Johannespassion 2013 and
Johannespassion 2014 live in the Berlin Dom
with Barth Acoustic B-6.C8HP Cardioid Speaker systems.
Vogel Convention Center Würzburg
with Barth Acoustic B-6.C8HP Cardioid Speaker systems.
A total of 950 B-8.CCi cardioid loudspeakers were installed in the new trade fair buildings at the Stuttgart airport.
The sound concept of the Arp Museum Rolandseck in Remagen required a flexible solution with mobile, wireless directional speakers at various positions in the museum. The column loudspeakers based on cardioid technology can be operated 24 hours mains independent.
Nikolauschurch in Mundelsheim. Given design elements were transformed into high-performance loudspeakers.
For the oldest and most famous church in Stuttgart, a new sound system was required to meet the increased demands on speech and music playback. In collaboration with the architects and after extensive acoustic testing, the decision fell on an cardioid system equiped with:
B-4.C19, B-4.C13, B-4.C13 IS and B-4.C3 loudspeakers.
BS-12 subwooler.
The powerful B-4.c3 are integrated in the lights.
The 800 years old Kloster Kappel (Switzerland) equiped with B-4.C13 loudspeakers.
Youth Center Nürtingen.
High-performance loudspeakers B-5.5.
St. Leonhardskirche in Knittlingen.
Loudspeakers B-5.L8i, BS-12i.sp, B-5.5 and B-2.L10.